Engaging. Biblical. Relevant.
"Ready to pray, preach, or die for Jesus at a moment's notice!" - Robert Jackson
During my youth all I wanted was to be just like my dad, a family doctor, but before I started medical school, my dad approached me and asked, “Son, are you sure you want to be a physician? Are you sure you don’t want to be a preacher?” Already my dad had seen my love for God’s Word and my desire to make the Lord known to my circle of influence. Even though I practice family medicine, I tell my pastor friends I am always ready to preach with a sermon in my pocket. Just call me – anytime, any day!
There is something about speaking the truth that energizes me. I can’t describe it in this little vision statement! You preachers know what I mean! When I stand in the pulpit, I desire for others to see not me, but Jesus – how He transforms lives completely, how He gives hope to those who suffer, and how He gives life to those who are lost.
Bible & Theology
(this is not an exhaustive list. Please contact us if you have a specific passage or topic in mind)
Is Man the Measure?
Seminar on secular humanism vs. Biblical worldview.
Old Testament Tabernacle
Explanation of symbolic meaning of each item in the tabernacle, includes an exposition on the priest’s function and the high priestly role of Jesus Christ who is both sacrificial lamb and high priest. (6 lesson seminar)
Praise and Worship in the Local Church
Why worship? Praise as spiritual warfare, the full purpose of congregational worship. (6 lesson seminar)
Lifestyle Evangelism
Multiple examples of evangelism and seed planting as a way of life. (Many illustrations from Dr. Jackson’s own personal experiences.)
Lifestyle Discipleship (POPULAR)
Building disciples along the way over 30 plus years of time; multiple encouraging illustrations of Biblical principles put into practice.
The Fear of the Lord
What does the Bible teach about the fear of God.
No More Weenie Christian Men
A challenge for men to live extraordinary Christian lives in the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. (for men only)
Personal Holiness
Instruction on the holiness of God and practical application on the Biblical admonition to “be holy even as I am holy.” (6 lesson seminar)
Marriage & Family
(These talks can be done individually or be combined for a conference and this list is not exhaustive)
Helping Our Children Find a Spouse
A series of six sessions for parents and young people examining what God’s Word has to say about finding a spouse. Then several Jackson family members, including children and in-laws, join their father in describing how this evolving process looked for us over the years. The sessions include an emphasis on parental and family involvement entitled “Passive vs. Proactive Dads”, a discussion of the “Problems of Recreational Dating,” and a transparent look at our mistakes entitled “Profit From Our Mistakes.” We include a bonus session called “Parenting a Prodigal.” (Also described below as a stand alone session)
Parenting a Prodigal
A moving discussion of how we loved a daughter back into the fold after she walked away from our family for two years and how we dealt with other sensitive moments in our family life
Principles of Child Discipline
Presentation of a Biblical perspective and personal illustrations from a family of 9 children.
Marriage & Family Conferences
Numerous topics and approaches. Just call and ask. (by Robert and Carlotta and typically formatted as a weekend event)
What Disgruntled Wives tell their Family Doctor
Multiple humorous stories taken from medical practice and personal family life used to illustrate a father’s responsibilities for raising children and ministering to their wives.
Living Happily Ever After
A discussion on the non-negotiability and holiness of the sacred vows of marriage and what it takes to remain committed for a lifetime.
Curtains and Candles
What causes conflict in a marriage, how we should review it, and how to bring about resolution.
Asking and Receiving Forgiveness
A message on "how shall I forgive my brother?"
Unmet Expectations
Recognizing the reality of unmet expectations, the need to communicate expectations, God's desire for our marriage, and the role of the Holy Spirit.
God's Purposes for Marriage
With the prevalence of cohabitation, why marry? What are God's purposes for marriage?
A Family Doctor’s Pro-life Pilgrimage (MOST POPULAR)
Dr. Jackson’s personal testimony of his pro-life journey through medical school and residency training as well as 30 plus years of medical practice filled with poignant illustrations.
Medical, ethical dilemmas in the abortion debate
Deals with the most asked questions: What about rape, incest, and handicapped children from a medical and Biblical perspective?
Biblical Perspective on Roe v. Wade
Theological discussion of the fundamental issues raised by the abortion debate.
Proper Response of the Church to the Abortion Crisis in America
What can evangelical Christians proactively do to shift the culture toward a pro-life perspective?
Men's Events
Spiritual Priorities of a Hunting Husband
Great topic for church wildlife banquets or father-son banquets.
Be Pure, Be Prepared
A challenge to Christian men for spiritual preparedness.
I'm Not That Guy Anymore
As Christians, the sin issue of our life is past history. We won the victory. Our testimony is that Jesus has set us free, and “I’m not that guy anymore.” Robert talks about how everyone of us can be the victorious Christian who can honestly say, “I am not that guy anymore,” referring to our former days of despair and defeat and now walking in spiritual victory. (this talk is appropriate for both motivational events and men’s events)
My First Turkey Hunt
Very humorous account of Dr. Jackson’s first exposure to turkey hunting. Ideal for a wildlife banquet.
Youth Events
How to Wear White on your Wedding Day
A frank discussion with youth of multiple reasons for postponing sexual involvement until marriage.
Where are All the Josephs Today?
A challenge from the life of Joseph to flee youthful immorality mixed with sobering contemporary statistics on teen sexual activity and STDs
I'm Not That Guy Anymore
As Christians, the sin issue of our life is past history. We won the victory. Our testimony is that Jesus has set us free, and “I’m not that guy anymore.” Robert talks about how everyone of us can be the victorious Christian who can honestly say, “I am not that guy anymore,” referring to our former days of despair and defeat and now walking in spiritual victory. (this talk is appropriate for motivational events, men’s events, and youth events)
Personal Finances for Teenagers
Brief overview of Biblical principles for finance designed for youth.
Medical Topics & Migraine Treatment
Personal Evangelism in Medical Practice
Personal Evangelism in Medical Practice
Personal examples, discussion of ethics, and delicate balance between authority and obtaining permission to share the gospel.
Biblical Counseling in Medical Practice
Biblical Counseling in Medical Practice
“When Lazarus is Your Patient” – Personal examples, discussion of Biblical approach to giving advice and direction.
A Family Doctor’s Journey through Migraine
A Family Doctor’s Journey through Migraine
Eighteen year personal saga of everyday migraine headaches that severely affected medical practice and family life.
Migraine Headaches
Migraine Headaches
Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment
New Treatments in Migraine
New Treatments in Migraine
Discussion of revolutionary new treatment options and migraine therapy.